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Airbnb vs. Your Own Website

Having an Airbnb profile is totally fine but like most hotels, you should also have your own website. Here are 3 reasons why:

1- More money in your pocket.

3rd party sites like Airbnb take a big commission from each booking. You're most likely doing everything to direct traffic to your listing. From tirelessly posting on social media to paying for ads. So why not reap the rewards? Instead of sharing a big chunk of your sales, you can keep that money by taking bookings on your own website.

I recently booked an Airbnb and discovered from the host that Airbnb takes a cut from the Host AND charges a service fee from the guest as well. So they are burning both ends of the stick.

As a guest, I can tell you I find it frustrating to see a price within my budget on the search results only to get surprised with a big service fee when I go to book.

As a host, you have no control over the hefty service fees that Airbnb adds onto the final price. Imagine how many guests you're losing because of it?

If you have your own website you don't have to worry about this added expense. You could even tell your guests "If you don't want to pay the service fee, you're welcome to book directly on our site." However, you're going to have to be crafty about sharing your website name because Airbnb hates when you share external links.

But it's definitely worth the effort.

2 - No Distractions

When potential guests look at your listing on a shared site like Airbnb, they can easily click off and look for other deals. However, on your own website they are totally focused on your space. They are completely immersed with all the details of your home. There are no distractions. The more they get to know you on your website, the more likely they'll book with you.

3 - You're the Boss!

Let's face it, if you're on Airbnb you're not the boss. They are. At any moment they can change their rules, raise their fees, or decide one day to just kick you off the platform. Ouch! Imagine all the blood, sweat and tears you put into your airbnb not to mention the connection you've built with your guests to one day disappear! With your own website, YOU are the boss. YOU make the rules. There's no one kicking you out.

BONUS TIP! Upload Videos

Airbnb doesn't offer the option to upload video but videos are a game changer. People love videos and they would definitely enjoy a video tour of your property. By having your own website you have the liberty to upload videos so that potential guests can get more insight on the layout of your property.

In Conclusion

Should you keep your Airbnb? Yes, absolutely! That's additional traffic to your listing but you should also have your own site. Many big hotels list their rooms on sites like or but they also have their own website. Having your own website makes you look professional and helps you stand out from the crowd. You're not just another host on Airbnb you're a recognizable brand all on your own. The great news is that you don't have to create one. Browse our website templates here.